Recent Works 1998 is an album of computer-based improvisations.
Album Notes
Brenda’s Truthful Hangin’ – (1998) is a structured improvisation using everyday language as musical material. Three stories of encounters with small town law enforcement are used as sound sources. Segments and phrases from the stories are randomly selected and processed in real-time, creating a spontaneous palette of musical materials. Throughout the piece, sound bites from each of the stories are interspersed within the texture, allowing for a non-linear narrative. Three characters are central to the piece: Brenda tells her story of being unjustly stopped for speeding in Tennessee; David rants about the problems of the United States while being questioned and eventually arrested; and John Doe’s hanging death allows for the cold antidotes of rural police investigators.
Run On Sentence – (1997) was created with the help of improvisations by bassist, Todd Sickafoose. The piece explores the issue of human identity and integrity in a culture that is obsessed with consumer driven capitalism. Driving down a street in a southern California suburb, a person is confronted with a run on sentence of billboards, neon signs, and advertisements. Run On Sentence explores this issue through a driving and mechanical tape part which is juxtaposed with improvised phrases from the double bass. The tape part was created from bass samples processed in Soundhack and Pro Tools which, in turn, provided materials for a loosely structured score. The video for Run On Sentence was created from processed images of signs and billboards and assembled in Adobe Premiere. In performance, the double bass player is centered in front of the video projection. Through the use of an envelope follower, the amplitude of the double bass controls a spot light which allows the player to control the intensity of the projected images.
Jerry Deals – (1998) is the result of an improvisation with the Supercollider software synthesis programming environment.
Torquewrenches – (1995) is a text based process piece centered around Night Sounds, a poem by Kevin Opstedal. The sensibility of the text is maintained throughout the piece and provides the foundation for a continually evolving sound environment. Each line of text was processed in Soundhack and infinitely regenerated creating a psychological backdrop for a sonic interpretation of the poem.