Raspi-Config Menu
When you boot your Raspberry Pi for the first time make sure it is connected to a display. The software configuration window should open. You can run the raspi-config program from the terminal at any time by typing:
sudo raspi-config
In the raspi-config menu navigate to the following options and make changes:
1) Expand the filesystem – will resize the amount of storage space available
2) Change User Password: the default is raspberry. change it to be r
5) Enable camera – yep. gotta turn it on
7) Overclocking — set to High or Turbo
8) Advanced options —
– A2 Hostname – you can change this if you’ll be working with multiple Pis via a command line
– A3 Memory split for gpu – set to 256
– A4 SSH – confirm that the SSH server is on. It should be by default
Click finish and reboot the Pi.
Change the Time Zone
On your Pi’s terminal type:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
US, pacific ocean
Software Update
Its a good idea at this point to make sure all of the Pi’s software is up to date. The system version we installed was created in January so some of the libraries and programs have been updated since then. Type the following commands to do a complete software update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Your Pi is now configured! type the following to reboot
sudo reboot