Here are some instructions to get a Raspberry Pi streaming video using NC and MPlayer This method looks the best and has the least amount of latency.
Install HomeBrew and MPlayer
HomeBrew is a package installer for Os X. You will install this on your laptop and not the RPI. Installing HomeBrew will allow you to easily install MPlayer. It will also allow you to use additional unix commands that are not included in a standard Os X install.
1. Go here:
2. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and follow the “Install Homebrew” instructions.
3. The first thing to do after installing HomeBrew is to type into command line: brew doctor
4. Type the following to install MPlayer: brew install mplayer
Commands to start streaming
You will need to have two terminal windows open on your laptop. One will be for the RPI and the other will be a local terminal. Start MPlayer on the local terminal. It will listen for the video stream from the RPI. MPlayer should always be started first.The video stream on the RPI will be started using raspivid which pipes the video output to NC.
on the mac terminal : nc -l 5001 | mplayer -fps 31 -cache 1024 –
on the Raspberry Pi : raspivid -t 0 -o – | nc [ ip address ] [port number]
looks like: raspivid -t 0 -o – | nc 5001
Now, if only we can figure out a way to get this nice looking, low latency video into Jitter!