Run the following commands on your Raspberry Pi to install Pd-Extended. Make sure you are connected to the internet.
1. sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list
2. put this line in the file and save: deb wheezy main
3. sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-key 9f0fe587374bbe81
4. sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-key D63D3D09C39F5EEB
5. sudo apt-get update
6. sudo apt-get install pd-extended
You can run Pd-Extended using the Rasberry Pi Gui –
1. type start x on the command line to start the RPI GUI
2. In the start menu in the bottom left look for Pd-Extended and open it
3. command / will start the audio
or you can run Pd-extended remotely with the following command. you’ll need to upload a working Pd patch to the Pi.
pd -nogui /home/pi/
change “youfile.pd” to be the name of the Pd file you would like to run.
My command looked like this:
pd-extended -nogui /home/pi/pd/pi1-osc.pd
Use the 1/8th inch stereo audio port on your Pi in order to hear the sound via a sound system. If your Pi is connected to a HDMI video monitor then the sound will default through the video monitor’s speakers.