Wake – 2017

Wake (2017) is an album based on field recordings that I have collected over the years. A few of the recordings have been creatively treated to modify the soundfield and others are presented in their original form. Each track has a water-based element within the soundfield.

Listen to Wake on Spotify or Amazon

Album Notes

Wake – reality emerges from a cloud
Pier to Pier – a walk along the Venice Beach boardwalk
Brush – a brief document of a nightly mouth filter
Cormorant – an adventure with a stereo microphone on a kayak
Storm, fence, oscillator, panes, vacuum – a rainstorm slams Los Angeles, a fence rattles, an oscillator cycles, window panes creak and crackle, and a neighbor’s vacuum is drowned out
Boats – a hydrophone captures toy boats in a small pool
Row – a brief hum inside of Mueller Tunnel

All tracks based on field recordings
Treatments and mixing by Clay Chaplin at Studio Ahhhh Productions in Los Angeles
Special thanks to Heather Lockie for brushing, rowing, and humming
Album artwork and design by Saul Alpert-Abrams
@2017, Studio Ahhhh Productions