I will be performing a noisy set for laptop and video at the Experimental Music Yearbook Festival on Friday, October 22nd. Should be a fun festival! Here’s more information:
t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l m u s i c y e a r b o o k festival
October 22 – 24, 2010
Roy O. Disney Concert Hall, Valencia, CA
the wulf., Los Angeles, CA
The Wild Beast, Valencia, CA
Taking place October 22 -24, 2010, the Experimental Music Yearbook is a series of curated concerts highlighting some recent trends and ideas in the global experimental music community. The concerts showcase recent works from renowned composers Vinny Golia and Greg Davis, as well as premieres from Mark So, Olivia Block and many others. Comprised of three concerts over three days, the event will expose early career local composers to a wider audience. Faculty member and composer Sara Roberts, along with local experimentalists John P. Hastings and Casey Anderson, curated the concerts and have organized a team of Los Angeles’ finest experimental music performers in enacting the second iteration of this annual event.
f r I d a y , o c t o b e r 2 2 , 8 p m
Roy O. Disney Hall, Valencia, CA
shear (2009) olivia block
wattle and daub (2010) Julia holter
shapes of 3 and 5 (2010) cat lamb
anemone battle! (2010) laura steenberge
stupid thing (ongoing) clay chaplin
s a t u r d a y , o c t o b e r 2 3 , 8 p m
the wulf., Los Angeles, CA
windrows (2010) mark so (with a simultaneous reading of John Ashbery’s poem Litany)
subset canon or scene++ (2010) michael winter
untitled (2010) casey anderson
s u n d a y , o c t o b e r 2 4 , 5 p m
the wild beast, Valencia, CA
winter strengthens (2010) chris kallmyer
lethologica (2010) vinny golia
for barnett newman (2010) john p. hastings
a book of orchestras vol. 1 (2004) greg davis