Saturday, September 3rd &
Sunday, September 4th, 2011
Shows at 2 & 5pm
A collaborative project of underwater musical performance and state-of-the-art ‘over-water’ live-electronic signal processing.
Being a passionate and experienced scuba diver for more than 10 years, Ulrich Krieger will dive into a pool in full scuba gear, tank and all, for at least 45 minutes. He will sit on the ground or swim around, producing underwater sounds with metal, stone, plastic, and other ‘waterproof’ objects, including ‘underwater didjeridus’, underwater singing, and plastic instruments, like blue toy saxophones. These sounds will be picked up by hydrophones and transmitted to Clay Chaplin, sitting above water, treating and signal processing theses sounds, creating an electronic ambient soundscape.
Space is very limited so concert signup is available to Machine Project members first and then is open to the general public on Wednesday, August 31st at Noon. Special thanks to Machine Project and the BELLYFLOP Gallery for hosting the concerts.
This performance will be taking place at the BELLYFLOP Gallery: “BELLYFLOP is a Southern California gallery space, theater, concert hall, disco, opera house, laboratory, auditorium and space of worship that appears as a full-water 10 ft.-deep swimming pool with diving board. BELLYFLOP emphasizes projects with ideas and executions that take risks, whether they glide smoothly or result in a mid-torso redness. Like the white cube galleries and black box theaters of tradition, BELLYFLOP’s aqua box comes with its own set of parameters to be explored in the fine arts. Visitors may wish to dress in water-appropriate attire.”
Location will be provided upon registration.